Heat pumps work well in cold climates like ours and can keep your home comfortably warm when it’s well below zero – as well as pleasantly cool and humidity-free when the summer heat hits. They use energy super efficiently – rather than burning fuel to create heat, they can extract existing heat from the air and maximize it to keep your space comfortable. Under typical conditions, heat pumps can be over 300% efficient. As a measure of additional support for your heat pump, we will be installing a resistance booster unit in the centrally ducted heat pumps which can provide heating support if needed on the coldest days. In areas with mini-splits or ductless heat pumps, small resistance electric heaters will be used as back-up heat sources. While older heat pumps were not rated for below-zero temperatures, today’s equipment is warranted to -10 actual air temperature. Even below this temperature the heat pumps will function, but back-up heat sources are provided to ensure your home stays at temperature in even the coldest weather.